AaaS - Airdrop as a Service

Uniswap set a successful precedent for Airdrops in 2020. Airdrops have become an indispensable element in the Web3 world. As Airdrops have become mainstream, it has become increasingly difficult for projects to attract genuine users through Airdrops, and conversely, there has been a rise in professional airdrop hunters.

Airdrops have gradually shifted from being the most effective marketing strategy for new projects to becoming a necessary marketing action that might not only be ineffective but could even harm the project.

AI Starter leverages blockchain technology's transparency combined with AI analysis capabilities to provide projects with a one-stop service for Airdrop address rating and Airdrop event platforms. This allows project organizers to focus their resources on users more likely to take action, avoiding indiscriminate equality or Sybil attacks.

Address Rating

Addresses are rated based on their past activity records. If an address frequently participates in various DeFi activities, it is given a high rating for DeFi projects, whereas the same address would receive an ordinary rating for GameFi projects.

Community Build-up

Whether it's a bull or bear market, Twitter, Discord, and Telegram remain essential platforms for Airdrops. To create a strong flow of traffic, it is crucial to effectively channel traffic from Twitter to Discord and Telegram. AI Starter utilizes AI to precisely segment audiences and direct the right traffic to Discord or Telegram, aiding projects in generating natural spread through marketing activities.

Loyal Supporter Program

Project users may not necessarily be loyal supporters, but supporters are invariably users who also contribute to the project. We can quickly identify potential loyal supporters using social media accounts and wallet addresses. After analyzing these supporters, we design 3-5 community activities specifically for them to shape the community environment and atmosphere, making it more conducive to cultivating loyal supporters.

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